Showing posts from 2024

The Heathen by Jack London

 The Heathen by Jack London  {getToc} $title={Table of Contents} Q.-1 : What's your understanding of the story The Heathe...

'I Want to Know Why' by Sherwood Anderson

 'I Want to Know Why' by Sherwood Anderson  Q.-1 : Explore the protagonist's journey from innocence to disil...

The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe

 The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe  Q.-1 : How does Poe create a sense of suspense and horror in the ...

A Baby Running Barefoot by D. H. Lawrence

 'A Baby Running Barefoot'  by D. H. Lawrence  Q.-1 : What's your understanding of the poem? Write it in detail. ...

A Prayer for My Daughter by W. B. Yeats

 'A Prayer for My Daughter'   by W. B. Yeats  Q.-1 : Write a detailed analysis of the poem A Prayer for My D...

Araby by James Joyce | Rockford - Movie Review

  Unveiling the Depths: Exploring "Rockford" and "Araby"  Q.-1 : Write a movie review based on the movie Rockford. For E...

The Nightingale and the Rose by Oscar Wilde

 The Nightingale and the Rose by Oscar Wilde  This blog is a part of our classroom task. Q.-1 : Write about your understanding of the story ...

Media | Freedom of the Press | Shashi Tharoor

 Media | Freedom of the Press | Shashi Tharoor  This blog is a part of our classroom task. Q.-1 : What is the significanc...

Human Interest | A Service of Love by O. Henry |

 Human Interest :   A Service of Love by O. Henry  This blog is a part of our classroom task. Q.-1. Discuss how O Henr...

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